If you have any issues using this form to submit a Multi-Account Request, please follow the directions on this forum post to submit a manual request.

Multi Account Request
Enter the name of the MAIN account holder
Enter the name of the NEW account holder
Enter the MAIN account email address
Enter the NEW account email address
Enter addition information to support your request
Enter the reason for your multi-account request here
Enter your IP Address here. You can visit http://whatismyip.com to find your IP address.

By default, we lock out multiple accounts from a single location, but we welcome you to play on Sentinels Republic with other house hold members. Please fill out the form on this page to get started.

Players are allowed one account per person.

Anyone caught exploiting this system will lose all of their offending accounts including their original.

How to Apply:

  • Enter your Primary (Original) Account Information
    • Email Address (Used when you made a Forum/Game Account)
    • Game Account Name
  • Enter the Email Address that will be associated with your household members account.
  • Verification Image: Upload an image of each individual either of their hands (which clearly shows its different people) or holding something with their account name and a date/time stamp. (This is kept private)
    • We will use this to verify that another account is warranted.
  • Fill in any additional information to help speed up the verification process.
    • Discord Usernames of both Account holders, Primary Forum Account or the name of an In-Game character so we may contact you.
    • Any IP Address you commonly use – Optional
    • Any additional comments – Optional